Understanding HVAC Issues

A Few Tips For Caring For Your Home's Window Unit Air Conditioner

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A window air conditioning unit can be an excellent option for keeping the rooms in your home comfortable and cool. While homeowners are often keenly aware of the maintenance needs of a central air conditioning system, they may overlook the needs of window units. Yet, failing to adequately care for these systems can compromise their effectiveness, increase their energy usage and make them more prone to suffering mechanical failures. Care For The Filter Read More»

Three Tips To Improve Indoor Air Quality

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Do your allergies seem worse than usual, or are you suffering them for the first time this year? It can be especially frustrating if they seem to only act up when you are home. Itchy, watery eyes, sneezing, and coughing or other respiratory distress when you are at home may indicate more than simple allergies – your indoor air quality could be suffering. The following are a few tips to help combat this problem. Read More»

How To Deal With Low Hot Water Pressure In Your Home

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If you have recently moved into a home and have dealt with low water pressure coming from your hot water lines, then you may want to think about investigating the issue. This is especially concerning if the problem exists with the hot water pipes alone. Keep reading to learn what you should do to investigate the problem and also what should happen if you find an issue. Look At The Piping Most water heaters are installed by professional contractors, but this is not always the case. Read More»

Furnace Won't Restart After Being Off All Summer? What Are The Possible Causes?

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If you’ve endured the last vestiges of a summer heat wave and are finally beginning to unpack the fall decor and heavier sweaters, you’re likely doing some late-summer cleaning and home maintenance. In the course of making sure your furnace is ready to power through another winter, you could be dismayed to discover that it won’t turn on – or that it runs for only a few seconds or minutes and then shuts off without providing much heat. Read More»

Two Signs of an AC Refrigerant Leak

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If you have a central air conditioner that is not working properly, then you may be able to troubleshoot the problem before you call in a professional. Sometimes, the problem may be a broken or failing part that needs to be replaced. Maintenance issues and dirty parts can cause issues too, and so can a leak in the refrigerant line. Refrigerant leaks produce some telltale signs that you can look for, like the following. Read More»