Understanding HVAC Issues

3 Important Spring Maintenance Steps For Your Home Furnace

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Are you excited about the arrival of spring? Have you been looking forward to being able to shut down your heating system and not needing to use it again until fall arrives? Even people who like cold weather may eventually get sick of it and start longing for warmer spring and summer weather. Unfortunately, this eagerness to escape the cold can mean that important maintenance steps get overlooked because you don’t even want to think about your furnace and heating system for as long as possible. Read More»

Protecting Your Outdoor Condenser Unit

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Imagine walking into your home on a hot summer day and expecting to be hit with a blast of cool air, only to find that your air conditioning system isn’t working properly. Routine maintenance is one of the easiest ways to keep your AC functional, but homeowners often overlook the importance of caring for their outdoor condenser unit. Since the condenser usually isn’t located in a highly-visible location (as the bulky unit can be an eyesore), these units can easily fall into disrepair. Read More»

4 Common Plumbing Mistakes That All Homeowners Should Avoid

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A home’s plumbing system is used all the time by members of a household, but many homeowners do not spend much time thinking about their pipes, drains, or toilets. Unfortunately, failure to keep the plumbing system in mind can lead to plumbing problems that can cause damage and require costly repairs. If you’re a homeowner, avoid the following common plumbing mistakes: Neglecting to Prepare Your Pipes for Winter If you live in a cold climate, it is absolutely essential to prepare your pipes for winter. Read More»

3 Tips For Maintaining Your HVAC

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One of the best ways to stay comfortable in your home is sure to involve having an HVAC unit. This will allow you to enjoy remaining either warm or cold in your living space. The key to getting the most use out of your system will largely depend on how well you take care of it. Knowing specific tips that are ideal for maintaining your unit are sure to be helpful to you. Read More»

Protecting Your Home's Pipes

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Beneath the sinks, in the walls, and under the ground, pipes get water and waste to a septic tank or sewer operate quietly. Until problems happen, pipes don’t intrude on your life at all. However, you must take note of them sometimes and ensure you’re undertaking preventative maintenance and providing enough attention to protect them. These pipe tips ought to help. Assess Them Even if nothing’s wrong, look at your pipes every now and then. Read More»