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How You Can Maximize The Energy Efficiency Of Your HVAC System

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When you're looking to improve your HVAC's system's efficiency to reduce your bills and increase your comfort, there are several ways you can do it. Implementing smart devices and zoning systems and making sure your basic components are in great shape can help you get the most out of your air conditioner and heater alike.

Use a Smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats come with a variety of settings and options that can help your system run more efficiently. Chief among these settings is schedules, which let you automate when your system runs, for how long, and at what temperatures. Many of these thermostats also connect to your WiFi and let you manage them via your phone, which can let you turn it on and off and change the temperature when you aren't even home.

Different thermostats have different features, so it's worth exploring them to see which ones you'd like. One example is geofencing, which tracks your phone's location so that your HVAC system shuts off automatically as soon as you leave your house. Some can also send you alerts about weather conditions and generate reports on your energy usage and offer tips. If there's something specific you want, let your HVAC contractor know so they can make suggestions for you.

Install Zoning Systems

Zoning systems let you select different temperatures for different areas of your house and regulate temperatures in these zones by using dampers in your ducts that open and close to control airflow. Zoning systems add convenience and comfort to your HVAC system and also help boost efficiency by ensuring that energy is only spent heating and cooling areas you select. Sometimes this can work by having a thermostat installed in each zone, and you may also have the option of controlling it all via an app or smart device.

This is a good fit for large homes or for homes where many of the rooms are unoccupied for much of the day. By combining a zoning system with a smart thermostat and scheduling, you can make sure your HVAC system is running only when it absolutely needs to.

Fix or Replace Your Ducts

So much of your system's efficiency depends on the state of your ducts. If they're leaking air or aren't keeping air hot or cold before it gets to your house, this can undermine the efficiency of your whole system. To that end, making sure your ducts are in good shape is incredibly important.

If your ducts are old, have them thoroughly inspected. It may be that they only need to be reinsulated and sealed, but if they are in overall poor working order, your contractor may recommend replacing them completely.

If you're thinking about replacing your ducts, this is a good time to think about what kind of ducts you want to use. Traditional rectangular ducts are one option, but you can also use high-velocity ducts, which push air through small round tubes. These have the advantage of fitting in more areas and losing even less air but can cost a little more in exchange. Ask your contractor if these might work well in your home.
