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Air Conditioning 101: Facts You Should Know

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As a homeowner who is new to using a central air conditioning system, it's easy to fall victim to some of the most common myths and misconceptions out there about these cooling systems. Unfortunately, misinformation is widespread when it comes to air conditioning units, and it can leave you making potentially costly mistakes. If you've recently moved into a home with a central air conditioning system, it's important that you know the truth behind these units and how they work. Here are a few things that you should know.

Turning The Temperature Down Won't Make It Cool Faster

If you come home from work and your home is warmer than you'd like, you might think that you should turn the thermostat temperature way down to cool your home as quickly as possible. The truth is that the temperature on your thermostat won't have any effect on how quickly your home cools down.

Contrary to popular belief, the temperature of the air coming out of your vents will not get colder if you turn the thermostat down. Your air conditioner produces cold air at a consistent temperature until the thermostat reads the ambient temperature at or below what the programmed cooling temperature is. You're not going to see any faster results by dropping the temperature a few extra degrees. You'll only run your air conditioner longer because it will have to cool it to a lower temperature.

A Larger Air Conditioning Condenser Isn't Always The Answer

If your air conditioning system doesn't seem as though it keeps up with the heat in your home, you might think that the unit just needs to be replaced with a bigger one. After all, a larger air conditioning condenser should be able to cool your home more efficiently, right?

The truth is that there are many factors that go into choosing the right size of your home's air conditioning condenser. You may find that the unit you have is properly sized for your home but it wasn't properly maintained by the prior owner, so it is working inefficiently.

In fact, installing a unit that's too large for your home may be counterproductive. It can cause the system to short-cycle, which will lead to premature wear, excess repair costs, and an uncomfortable home.

If you're having trouble keeping your home cool even with your central air conditioning, talk with a repair technician about conducting a thorough inspection and cleaning first.

You Shouldn't Turn The Air Conditioner Off When You Leave

Many homeowners have been told in the past that they should turn off their air conditioning when they leave the house because it's a waste of energy to leave it running. However, what you may not think about is the excess energy demand required when you have to cool your home from excessive heat all day long. Without the air conditioning running all day, your home will heat up significantly. When you get home and want to cool the house down, your air conditioner will have to work that much harder to combat the temperatures. If, however, you leave the air conditioner on but simply turn the thermostat up a few degrees when you leave, the air conditioner won't have as much to do to make your home comfortable when you get home.

It does mean some energy consumption throughout the day, but the energy needed to maintain the temperature is typically far less than what would be required to cool down an overheated interior.

Talk with your local air conditioning technician today for more facts and information about central air conditioning units. They can help you to care for your air conditioning system and keep it in the best possible condition.
